Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Photography 101

Okie doke. So from time to time I have had friends, family, old clients ask me to teach them photography or at least give them a few hints for taking better pictures of their own kids. I haven't really done much about this because a.) I am terribly uncertain about my own knowledge b.) I am not the best with words c.) I'm a college student/mom/wife... ok many hats. But I figured there is no time like the present, and since I LOVE photography, I might as well share it.
So I have put together a small tutorial on exposure. Please understand that this is my understanding of exposure and I do not claim to be an expert on the subject by any means. But maybe there is someone out there who thinks like I do and might benefit from this. If not, well then, oh well. At least there are pretty pictures to look at! :)


  1. Melanie:

    I tried emailing your studio account and it sounds like you have taken a sabbatical from professional work. Email me at the Gmail account attached to this comment so we can catch up. I have a couple projects coming up that could be fun if you are interested.


  2. Emailed ya! Great to hear from you!
