Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guerrilla Aid

Street Children of Guatemala

Because of reasons ranging from civil war to drug abuse, to poverty, to child abuse and other types of violence, the reasons for street children and child abandonment are many. It is the horrible reality facing the thousands of children living on the streets. A few mind boggling facts:

-Last year (2008-2009) a child was abandoned in Guatemala city every 4 days. Most were babies.

-More than 10 children die every week as a result of violence, 52% of these from gunshot wounds.

-90% of children on the streets have been victims of some form of sexual abuse

-29% of children aged five to fourteen are involved in child labour and are being sent out to work in difficult and dangerous conditions (UN).

-1200 children were orphaned by Hurricane Stan in 2005

It is an unbelievable reality. But it is very real.
More info at Toybox

All facts found at toybox

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm going to Guatemala!

I've recently been talking with the local Rotary club about a mission trip they have coming up to Guatemala. It looks like I will be going! Rotary International has teamed up with Refuge International and the Franconia Mission of the Mennonite Church to provide 4 million doses of a drug used to fight stomach worms to the children of Guatemala in an effort named "Adios Lombrices" or "Goodbye Worms". I am beyond thrilled and so very thankful that I will be a part of something so profound.

From Refuge International website:

Adios Lombrices! (Goodbye Worms!)

Worms? Worms will never make the news. They are not exciting like tsunamis or earthquakes, yet they are just as devastating. Worms are second only to malaria in their effects, representing 40% of global morbidity rates from infections. Research indicates that close to 70% of children in developing countries have more than one type of worm. Worms fill the bellies and steal the nutrients of children in impoverished countries worldwide, and Guatemala is no exception.

For more information, please click on the link above.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

One day without shoes 2011!!

This is an amazing project! How exciting would it be to bring this to Paris Texas! I can go without, can you?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Chronic Malnutrition

Chronic malnutrition is an ongoing problem in Guatemala. It has the 6th highest malnutrition rates in the world, the highest in Latin America. I found this video while searching the web that describes this problem better than I can. If you would like to see the article from the Atlantic magazine, you can find it here.

Guatemala City

I thought I might add a few pictures from our last trip to Guatemala City, which was the trip to bring Olivia home. It is a city rich in art and culture.

This place will forever hold a special place in our hearts. It has given us more than we can ever give back.