Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clean. Water.

Such a simple thought. Just turn on the faucet, right?
Unfortunately it is not nearly that simple in many countries, RIGHT NOW. This isn't a history lesson, folks.

I stumbled upon this website today and couldn't wait to share it with you. I like to share information from organizations other than my beloved Refuge International and to countries other than Guatemala to show you that I am interested in providing healthy, safe lives for children all over the world. This organization is called Charity : Water. It is a really cool group that takes donations from folks like you and I and uses those funds to provide clean drinking water to people in developing countries. Fantastic idea, right? And your money is actually spent to provide that water! I checked out their project map, and while Guatemala is not currently listed, Honduras is. They have a very similar water crisis to that in Guatemala, and they share Guatemala's southeastern border.

So, if you are planning on getting a birthday present from me this year, you just might be getting one of these instead - pretty cool, aye?